Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

In 1957, Indiana Jones becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the secret behind mysterious artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls.


June 23, 2023

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In 1957, Indiana Jones and his partner George "Mac" McHale are kidnapped by Soviet agents. They are taken to Hangar 51, where they are forced to help the Soviets locate an alien corpse from the Roswell incident. Jones escapes and travels to Peru, where he meets Mutt Williams, the son of his former colleague Harold "Ox" Oxley. Williams tells Jones that Oxley found a crystal skull in Peru before being abducted.

Jones and Williams travel to the Amazon rainforest to search for Oxley and the crystal skull. They are captured by the Soviets, but they are able to escape with the help of Jones' ex-lover Marion Ravenwood and Oxley himself. Jones and his companions then travel to Akator, a lost city where the crystal skull is believed to have originated.

At Akator, Jones and his companions discover a chamber containing thirteen crystal skeletons. The Soviets arrive and place the crystal skull on the one headless skeleton. The skeleton awakens and transfers its knowledge into the mind of Irina Spalko, the leader of the Soviet agents. Spalko is killed by the overwhelming amount of knowledge, and the city crumbles. Jones and his companions escape, and Jones is reinstated at his job and promoted to associate dean.

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